
God`s promise of Jesus` return after all people groups have heard the message of salvation, urges us to have a part in this evangelical process. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) In simple obedience, in spite of multiple physical challenges, Mike and Marie Meaney choose to present God-given gifts to the cultures of sub-Saharan Africa. Trusting God for the wherewithal to accomplish this goal, we rest on the promises of Philippians 1:6 and Acts 1:8 After many years of service and career God has blessed us in every area of our lives. We firmly believe the principle of to whom much is given, much is required. Luke 12:48 We would like to hear from you! Mike and I originally created this website many years ago. It has gradually changed and enlarged to represent the heart and life's passion of Michael Meaney as presented by an adoring wife and friend of over 50 years. The stories and pictures are about our adventures in Africa. They are meant to glorify God. Some are serious. Some are funny. All are true. They represent the 3 components of our ministry: Education, Disability, Village Evangelism. To access stories, go to Stories, Education, Disabilities, Village Evangelism. The evolution of this website and ministry, along with the death of Michael Meaney, has today brought us to an endeavor called Project Michael's Heart. It is an attempt to provide Bibles to all 54 nations on the continent of Africa. This is done by securing well vetted contacts in each nation to regularly receive funds to purchase Bibles in the local tongue for distribution in that person's ministry. And the Lord answered me and said, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." Habakkuk 2:2


The Simplest Idea in the Whole World

After the end of the age when God gathers all of creation together with his entourage of glorious angelic beings, He will address all of the nations of the earth, separating each individual into two different groups. One group He will call sheep and place them to His right. The other group he will call goats and place them to His left. The sheep are the righteous who are redeemed by Christ, those who have accepted God’s gift of forgiveness. The goats are the ones who rejected God’s free gift of salvation.

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Children at Risk in Africa

Such a desperate act of “compassion” is incomprehensible to us in the Western world. What of the other 14 million AIDS orphans who survive their parents? They are all children at risk. Today in 2010, there are now 20 million AIDS orphans. They are: Orphans with no extended family to care for them, Abandoned babies, children and youth, Abducted children exploited as child soldiers and slaves, Handicapped children living on the street, discarded by society. Sub-Saharan Africa contains 85% of the world’s people affected by AIDS. The northern countries of Africa are Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Algeria. The population in these countries consists of Arabic and white-skinned Muslims. South of the Sahara Desert, the other countries of Africa, which is called Black Africa, contains mainly black-skinned people: They are Christian and Muslims and other religions.

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Pick Up Your Legs and Walk

Phantom pain is real, just ask Mike Meaney. Phantom pain occurs because Mike’s brain doesn’t know that his legs are amputated seven inches below the knees. He can’t rub his feet at night. “What I’m walking on right now is like the stilts they use to plaster a ceiling,” says Mike. His two prostheses allow him good mobility, and allow him to travel over the world. In 1984, a routine physical exam turned up adult-onset diabetes – a condition where the pancreas is producing insulin but the cells don’t recognize it. Diabetes attacks the nerve endings. Numbness follows, then sores and ulcers, then amputation. Eight years later, Mike had no feet.

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Bringing Joy to the World

In many African villages, the spirits of superstition are carried through generations of families, gripping their lives and imprisoning them in a satanic web. Only the knowledge and power of the Holy Spirit can release these people from such savage beliefs. Many times, when a deformed child is born in a village, the parents are marked by the villagers as cursed and they burn down the family’s home. When a defective child is born in the village and the neighbors question whether or not evil spirits have cursed the family in that hut, the family with the newborn are driven out of the village. The simplest solution for some families is found by taking the disabled infant to the bush and allowing the wild creatures to devour it. This is the epitome of Satanic influence.

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Vincent the Taxi Driver

When visiting Uganda, or any other African country, it is necessary, NO, MANDATORY, that you NEVER be your own driver. Meshing what you’ve learned in driving on the roads in America will never fit into the culture of automobile anarchy in Africa. The concept of “Oh, please, you go first,” is unknown. A driver with a really positive attitude and a lifetime of driving behind him, might think he can change people’s habits, one incident at a time. But the effects would be like “spittin’ in the ocean”. In America, people are taught to be courteous on the road or let the other go first whenever possible. Maybe, if the moon turns to cream cheese, that tiny effort will ignite the spirit of selflessness that is so needed in driving and every other aspect of African life.

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