
God`s promise of Jesus` return after all people groups have heard the message of salvation, urges us to have a part in this evangelical process. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) In simple obedience, in spite of multiple physical challenges, Mike and Marie Meaney choose to present God-given gifts to the cultures of sub-Saharan Africa. Trusting God for the wherewithal to accomplish this goal, we rest on the promises of Philippians 1:6 and Acts 1:8 After many years of service and career God has blessed us in every area of our lives. We firmly believe the principle of to whom much is given, much is required. Luke 12:48 We would like to hear from you! Mike and I originally created this website many years ago. It has gradually changed and enlarged to represent the heart and life's passion of Michael Meaney as presented by an adoring wife and friend of over 50 years. The stories and pictures are about our adventures in Africa. They are meant to glorify God. Some are serious. Some are funny. All are true. They represent the 3 components of our ministry: Education, Disability, Village Evangelism. To access stories, go to Stories, Education, Disabilities, Village Evangelism. The evolution of this website and ministry, along with the death of Michael Meaney, has today brought us to an endeavor called Project Michael's Heart. It is an attempt to provide Bibles to all 54 nations on the continent of Africa. This is done by securing well vetted contacts in each nation to regularly receive funds to purchase Bibles in the local tongue for distribution in that person's ministry. And the Lord answered me and said, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." Habakkuk 2:2


My Glorious Obsession

Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Dear Friends and Family:  In recent days my attention has been focused on those present day occurrences which fulfill prophecies of the last days.  Having my Bible opened to Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah match up with the nightly news showing: Alignment of nations in preparation for battles against Israel; Technical advances and progressions in banking coalitions that facilitate a one world global economy, government, religion; Geologic/meteorologic extreme weather systems that leave us awe struck.

Observing studying pondering and praying about these events consumes my personal energies and resources and will continue on  until Jesus returns or takes me home.  By God's grace I am dedicated to enabling our evangelistic team in Uganda to take the Gospel to Africa, distributing thousands of Bibles as they go.  Finding disabled people that we can help with treatment, will fulfill the passion and joy expressed and lived out by Michael Meaney. (Project Michael's Heart)
     The Lord continues to help us establish new schools such as Katemwa Village School with Pastor Paul Ssekabira, plus enabling existing ones to flourish. For John T. Miller School we need $2000.00 for 3rd quarter student tuition fees. For Katemwa Village School, to finish school buildings and begin classes.  $500.00.                                                    
     Many children have been raised out of the dirt with surgery and medical aids. $800.00  Emmanuel, the man Mike found on the road and brought him to the Lord, he needs to have his leg amputated It is our work to help this take place so he can get on with his life.  What a fitting gift from Mike.  He will possibly wear Mike's prosthetic leg which I sent in the last container.$500.00.
   This pix is of Mike talking with Emmanuel, leading him to Jesus (2009)
Mike pulls up his trousers to show his titanium prosthetic legs saying," I see you have difficulty walking as I do." He arranged for Emmanuel to go to the orthopaedic hospital in Kampala for surgery. After a second hospital stay, Emmanuel's leg became infected.(2011)  He needs to return to have it amputated.(2012). 
     A recent trip to Democratic Republic of Congo by 4 of our evangelistic team where we need yet to distribute Bibles $500.00.
They report the people received them with "joy and gladness", longing for their teachings and requesting their return. This village of Nyirangongo rests atop Mt. Nyirangongo, all volcanic rock from a '73 eruption. There is not vegetaion for a radius of 300 km.  The team states, "Life and mission in Congo requires a person who is a real evangelist and called by God to that place."
For future evangelistic excursions outside of Uganda  we need petrol, Bibles, food/gifts for villagers, possibly airfare. $4000.00
For mission trip to Uganda October 2012 for Marie, $4000.00.
Village Evangelism  for this gentleman included a "new" grass/stick house with plastic roof.
Thanking you dear friends for your faithful enabling of our intentions to bring Jesus' love to Africa.  Gloriously obsessed and energized by hope in Jesus, Marie
pix #3 A reunion of Jackson and his Jajja Marie sitting on Jajja Mike's grave (6-28-11)



NKOKONJERU A home for children who nobody wants

Situated in southern Uganda, Nkokoenjeru (white chicken) , is a very special place to the children that no one else will take in. Local nuns love and care for this band of “refuse” the least among us. They are blessed to be able to serve these children. Originated by Irish Catholics many years ago, this compound has operated for many years, anonymous to the world and the rest of Uganda, but well known to the heart of God.

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Monkey Business for Breakfast

Lweza Conference Center in Kampala, Uganda, is a guest house owned and operated by the Church of Uganda. It is clean, cheap, and secure. It will never be classified by a series of stars as is the Ritz Hotel in Paris. That it is not. It does not pretend to be star-worthy. Working as security guards at Lweza, our best friends are a daily inspiration to us. Because of them, we are able to do our work in Uganda.

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How God Makes Things Happen

What adult can’t readily recall the mystery of Christmas approaching in your childhood? There was an eager anticipation, excitement, and a huge OOOOOH Ah on Christmas morning as the longed for surprise was revealed.

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Epilogue to Cow Redemtion Day

It is many years past the time of the rescue of the Myalirro orphans. They have grown up. Shortly after the children were settled in Kampala area, the capital city of Uganda, a huge scheme of deception was exposed to Mike and Marie (see Cow Redemption Day). We were at home in Bellevue when we learned of this scheme of deception and so Mike quickly planned an emergency trip to Uganda to get to seek and reveal the truth in this predicament and deal with all of the principals involved. The story of this trip is In Cow Redemption Day. It was important to Mike during this traumatic time that no one person be marked and vilified so that ministry to the children could continue onward.

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