The education ministry started out in sub-Saharan Africa and is now concentrated in Uganda. There is a school in Lusaka, Zambia and village classrooms in South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique and one in Romania. A V M recently was presented the funds for a beautiful classroom in Wamala, Uganda to honor the memory of the late John T. Miller, son and brother of the Miller and Rogers families. What a beacon it is in Wamala.
Another classroom has been built next to it. 75-150 children can be accommodated at JTM. These classrooms are bountifully equipped with great edu-cational materials. Education Materials are also available to dozens of rural schools. Dr. Marie Meaney is the Director of this area of A V M.
Today if you were to walk into an AVM classroom you would see this sign posted: What is the Resource Classroom? It is a place to: Praise and learn about God and his creation Strengthen the gifts God gave you Help you think faster, critically and creatively Move you through basic skills wtih more strength, accuracy, speed and confidence Encourage and motivate you to grow in your mind body and spirit Laugh, have fun, and fellowship with the beauty, color and joys of life Affirm each other in our faith, skills, gifts and potential
Download: Africa Village Ministries or Classrooms Curriculum Manual
This is an art project created by Headmaster Francis Kumahanda. It is crafted with multi-colored tree bark.
Let Freedom Ring
John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Deep within, the heart has always known that there is freedom, somehow breathed into the very soul of life.
The prisoner, the powerless, the slave always know it. There’s just something that keeps reaching for the sky.
And even life begins because a baby fights for freedom. And so we love to sing of freedom’s theme.
Some have walked through fire and flood to find a place for freedom. And some faced hell itself for freedom’s theme.
Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains.
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain. Let freedom echo through the lowly streets where prisons have no keys. We can be free and we can see that freedom rings.
God built freedom into every fire of creation and he meant for us to all be free and whole.
But when my Lord bought freedom through the blood of his redemption, His cross stamped and hardened on my very soul.
And now I’ll sing it out with every breath, I’ll let the whole world hear it. His hallelujah and home of the free.
Let freedom ring down through the ages from a hill called Calvary.
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain. Let freedom echo through the lowly streets where prisons have no keys.
We can be free and we can sing Let Freedom Ring and be free, and we can sing let Freedom Ring.
During my career as a teacher, when teaching reading and creative writing, my habit was to type up the students’ favorite songs. They were the ones that we sang every day and had become their favorites. Each student had their own collection in their own personal songbook. As the school year progressed, the books got thicker and thicker, bursting with their favorite melodies. The repeated singing of the words of the songs helped them to decode the words when reading them on paper. This not only became their own record of their year in Mrs. Meaney’s classroom, but the lyrics reinforced into their tender minds, the values we esteemed, i.e.: love for country, family, friends, God. They especially enjoyed each new page as they added their individual creative artistic mark.
Favorite songs were: America, Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, All Things Bright and Beautiful, Sesame Street songs, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and many Christmas Carols. So these lyrics of “Let Freedom Ring” can serve to remind the reader/listener of the principles of freedom, religious and secular.
Let Freedom Ring, sung by Larnelle Harris.